Deep River Township

Deep River Township

Arenac County, MI

Spongy (Gypsy) Moth Update

It’s been recently announced that the Entomological Society of America has officially changed the common name of Lymantria dispar from “gypsy moth” to “spongy moth.” The reasoning behind the name change was that the term “gypsy” is culturally disparaging to the Romani people and a name change may help reduce further marginalization of the group.

In the fall of 2024 Deep River Township (DRT) contracted Aquatic Consulting Services to perform a spongy (gypsy) moth egg mass survey in various areas of the township where infestation has been most evident in prior years. Aquatic Consulting completed their field work in Nov/Dec 2024, performing physical observations of previously damaged woodlands, engaging with various land owners in some of those affected areas, and evaluating egg masses left from Spring 2024 in an attempt to predict where Spring 2025 hatching and infestation may be most detrimental. The consultant’s final report was received by the Deep River Township Board in December 2024; whereby Aquatic Consulting summarized their observations and advised that infestation levels were NOT determined to pose risk of widespread hatching and so NO TREATMENT WAS CURRENTLY BEING RECOMMENDED for Spring 2025!

The DRT Board reviewed these findings and voted to accept their recommendations and have suspended treatment this season. A complete copy of Aquatic Consulting’s report, along with treatment information, spray notifications, spray maps, etc., may be viewed on our website at or by picking up copies from the black metal boxes outside the west office entrance at the Township Hall. Upon reviewing the report if you determine that any/all of your property is included in the proposed spray zones, but you wish to have your property excluded, you will also find exclusion (opt-out) request forms on the website or in the metal boxes outside the office. Please understand however, that “opting-out” will remove your property from treatment but it will not exclude you from your levied obligation to the approved millage amount.

The Township’s Aerial Applicator is willing to contract directly with any township land owner whose property is NOT included, or only PARTIALLY included in the approved spray blocks. This would be a private agreement between the property owner and the applicator; and would be entirely independent of and in addition to the arrangement that Deep River Township has engaged in. Those whom wish to make private arrangements for treatment may reach out directly to Hamilton Helicopters Inc. @ 616-291-5808.